JH Cross Country Parent Meeting
Flour Bluff Junior High Gyms 207 Hustlin' Hornet, Corpus Christi, TexasParent meeting will be held in the new gym.
Parent meeting will be held in the new gym.
Parent meeting will be held in the JH new gym.
Parent meeting will be held in the JH new gym.
Band drive will be held in the JH Cafeteria.
7th @ 5:30/8th @ 7:00pm
This meeting will go over the rules and procedures for drug testing.  All Flour Bluff Junior High & High School students participating in any UIL event will be randomly drug...
7th 5:30/8th 7:00pm Will be at the Cabiness East Field
Meet will be held in the back field behind the JH and Intermediate.  First race will begin at 5:30pm and second race should start at 6:00pm.